Vision Boards – The ‘Express Train’ To Manifesting?

People often think that using vision boards is almost like getting on a fast train to take you to your desired life’s end destination: on at the first stop and 30 minutes later, there you are. Unfortunately, using a Vision Board is not quite like that. A more realistic way of looking at it would be this;

“Vision boards are like an express train ticket to your wants and desires; but just like catching a train, you need to know your final destination and you need to be prepared to make a few stops along the way”

Let’s not beat about the bush: Vision Boards are immensely powerful manifesting tools that undoubtedly help you attract everything you truly desire in life; but they are not miracle workers that function all by themselves. How could they be; how could anything be for that matter?

20 years of using Dream Boards

Now, before you start thinking that I have only a passing admiration for vision boards, you couldn’t be any further from the truth if you tried. I swear by vision boards! In fact, I first started using them around 20 years ago, back in the 90’s and my success and lifetime achievements has surpassed even more than I could ever have hoped and wished for!

I truly believe that my continued achievements and success I have enjoyed for all these years, is simply due to the fact that I use a vision board on a daily basis; without exception. This is not hard for me at all, because the way I see it, who wouldn’t enjoy having constant reminders of all they treasure in their lives? Looking at favourite photos and images lifts your spirits and boosts your emotions.

You know, some people reject vision boards before they give them half a chance to work. They expect these ‘overnight miracles’ to kick in straight away. And if it doesn’t happen as quickly as that, almost like a magician waving a magic wand, they rubbish them as just another airy-fairy load of tosh.

Just the Wrong Mentality

This is the ‘express train to your final destination in 30 minutes’ mentality, and it just does not stack up; this is why: This ‘get it in 30 minutes’ theory could be put down to the extremely high levels of expectation that many people had after reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Although ‘The Secret’ revealed how the Law of Attraction works, it never actually fully described the complete process to make sure it works for you exactly how you would want it too. Furthermore, for some people this was the very first time of hearing about the Universal Law as well, and maybe they didn’t quite know where to go with it. Bob Proctor was involved in making The Secret and he went on record as saying much the same thing; that although it was an amazing book ‘the final chapter was missing’.

You can also say that about vision boards as well. There is a full process involved which you need to be able to understand and follow completely or the end goals will be hard to achieve and will be limited. The important thing to note is that this is not because vision boards do not work; more because you need to be in full knowledge of how to get the most out of them to fully achieve what you are looking for.

You can be totally sure of this; when a dream board is used correctly in the way it should be, and not dabbled with, the end results are amazing. They will effectively call on the Law of Attraction to act in the positive way that you want it too in order to attract everything you want, desire and wish for. Please bear in mind though, that overnight miracles don’t exist: Everything is in your grasp, but it will not happen as quickly as overnight.

Vision boards are often known as dream boards too, and the main reason they are so effective is this; they utilize all 5 steps required to manifest health and wealth, great relationships and true happiness. Success is almost guaranteed once these 5 steps are followed, and I can say that from my own lifetime experience.

5 Positive Steps

The 5 steps I am talking about are these; Creative Visualization, Emotion, Motivation, Repetition and Action. It is a simple yet highly positive and effective process, with every step of the journey really enjoyable and uplifting. Be warned though; if you are expecting great rewards you need to follow every step properly.

Now you know and understand that it isn’t exactly an ‘express train journey’ to the final destination that maybe too many people ask for, desired success is there whenever you ask for it. A vision board is not exactly a miracle-worker, but they are not far away and definitely speed up your journey quicker than you may think!

If Vision Boards are not quite the ‘express train’ to overnight success that some people demand, they are without doubt the most powerful tool you could ever use to call on the Law of Attraction to respond to your dreams and desires. Discover exactly how to make one, use one and attract all your life’s goals right now

I nearly forgot, check out my website there’s a ton of stuff there that I really want to share with you, not just vision boards but also how the Law of Attraction depends on one vital step in order to make it really work the way you want it to, it’s all in my FREE Report

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